Last Saturday was a public holiday the Tuen Ng Festival, or Dragon Boat Festival. Being a Saturday, the kids did not a day off school (they do not move holidays unless they fall on Sunday because Saturday is a working day for many people in Hong Kong). One of the traditional things to do on this holiday is to race dragon boats, or watch the dragon boat races. We decided to skip the crowds and hours in the sun to get a decent view. Instead, the kids participated in their own dragon boat race at the country club. I had signed the kids up previously and they had them divided into age groups. The kids raced the length of the pool on rafts shaped like dragons using a paddle to propel them. They both did a great job, finishing 2nd in their respective heats and just missing the finals.
Tommy had 4 kids in his heat and he and another girl were way in front (she was ahead of Tommy). He was really trying to catch her at the end and lost his balance. He leaned forward onto the dragon's head and started trying to swim instead of paddling (which was against the rules). He still couldn't catch her in time, but put in quite an effort. :)
Tommy's race video
Charlotte on her dragon boat. Tommy was in the pool to help her in case she needed it.
They also had drums for the kids (and parents) to beat on during the races for encouragement.
Charlotte beating the drum |
Tommy and Tom beating the drums |
The kids didn't win a praise, but I was proud of them for trying something new and doing their best. It had been a very hot and sunny morning, so we decided to stop at the store for drumsticks. It made the walk home a lot more fun.
Charlotte and Tommy with their drumsticks |
Overall, it was a great day and we were glad we had participated. We were ready to go home and spend the rest of the day playing in the air conditioning.
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