Friday, April 24, 2015

Bullet train

When we first started talking about taking a trip to Japan, Tommy got VERY excited about the idea of riding the bullet train.  He had a great time in Tokyo, but he was definitely counting the days before he got to ride the bullet train.

The Shinkansen has maximum speeds between 150 and 200 mph.  Once we got out in the country, and it got up to full speed, the view out the window became quite blurry.  The trains in Japan are very clean.  You are allowed to eat on the train, but there is no trash.  There is an area between the cars, enclosed by doors, to use if you need to make a phone call.  The bathrooms are large and clean.  Everything is automated.  You press buttons to open, close and lock the door.

Japan is a country with deep traditions and rituals.  When the train worker entered each train car to check tickets, he or she would bow before starting.  Then he or she would bow again, before leaving to go to the next car.  The flight attendants did a similar thing.  Before our flight, a group of flight attendants entered the gate to get on the plane and prepare for our flight.  They all stood in a line and bowed before entering the aircraft.

On the bullet train
The doors at the end of each train car.  
Oreos with green tea filling
cherry soda

Riding the bullet train was a fun experience and one more thing to check off Tommy's list.

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