Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tommy's list

A few days ago, Tommy matter of factly mentioned St. Louis was #7 on his list of places he wanted to live when he grew up.  After some prodding, I got him to write his list down.  Apparently, after some consideration, St. Louis moved up to #5.

Here is his list:
1. Hong Kong
2. California
3. Greenland (???)
4. Brazil
5. St. Louis

571. Antartica
670. North Pole

I am not sure what is from #572-669, but I don't think they would be on my list of places to visit.

Tommy and Charlotte like to tell us all the time how they want to live with us well into adulthood and when I tell them they need to move out after college, they are pretty sure they are going to want to live down the street and visit every day.  This morning they were talking about how they could go to the same college when they got older so they could hang out together on the weekends they didn't come home to visit us.  :)

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