Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1 month

We have now been in Hong Kong for just over 1 month.  We are pretty well adjusted and enjoying discovering new places each week.  I thought I would write a post about each of our favorite things so far.

Tommy-riding the train (MTR).  Tommy loves all the public transportation.  When we are home, he often drives his Lego car around the living room and pretends he is driving the train or bus around town.  He wants me to pretend to ride it (which usually just means sitting on the couch) and he announces all the different stops.  He is very anxious for the rest of his Legos to arrive so he can build a double-decker bus.

Charlotte-riding the shuttle.  This is the response she gave me when I asked, but I think she was just piggy backing on Tommy's train answer.  I would say her favorite things are probably swimming, playing in the indoor playroom at the country club, and getting treats from all the little bakeries everywhere.  (The bakery is definitely one of Tommy's too.  Tommy likes to talk about how when he is older, he and Charlotte will be able to walk to the bakery by themselves and he can buy her a treat.)

Tom-swimming at the Country Club.  One benefit to the heat is the pools are really warm.  There is a sign up that displays the water temperature.  It is usually 30-31 degrees Celsius (86-88 degrees Fahrenheit) so it feels like bath water. 

Jenneke-more family time and walking more.  I really like having our whole weekends focused on family time.  We miss a lot of things about St. Louis, but it is nice to be renters in Hong Kong and not have house projects or other obligations taking up our weekends.  We have been spending a lot of time exploring as a family as well as spending time at home playing games and doing weekly movie nights.  (I am anxious for our things to arrive so we can play something besides Monopoly.)  I also like walking and taking public transportation.  I really like that if we want to go to the grocery store or go swimming, we can just walk 8-10 minutes to get there.  We get a little exercise and we don't contribute to the pollution.  (I will like this a lot better once the weather gets cooler.)  The public transportation system is very good.  Most places we want to visit will include what MTR stops and/or buses to take to get there.  The streets often have signs pointing to different parts of town and attractions.  The trains and buses are all very clean and safe.  It is much easier to get places than if I was trying to drive (on the left side of the road!), figure out road signs, and worry about traffic.

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